about dumpster Clio MI


We aim to provide quality dumpster rentals because we know that properly getting rid of trash can be complicated. Our company strives to keep our community clean and help ease waste removal.

Frequently Asked Questions

How far in advance do I need to order a dumpster rental?

Most dumpsters can be delivered within 24 hours of a placed order. At various times of the year, we are out of inventory so a longer lead time may be incurred.

What if I need an extra haul?

If you need an additional dumpster for your project, you will be billed at the same rate as your original rental.

What are my payment options?

We take cash, check, or credit card.

What does the price include?

Price includes the base rental period of 14 days and a specified number of tons based on the size of dumpster rented.

Will I be billed for extra weight?

Yes, anything over the included tonnage will be billed as an additional charge.

What if I need to keep my dumpster rental container longer/have it removed sooner?

We remove the dumpster based upon the customer’s request. If you need it longer than the base 14 days, there will be a daily rental charge.

Are there any items I cannot put into my container?

Restricted items include the following: refrigerators, freezers, tires, hazardous liquids, and fluorescent bulbs.